Best Movie Kisses

Couples kissing are movie magic!

Some of the best movie kisses out there inspire both passion and memory in the hearts of viewers. For anyone who has ever watched a great movie kiss, it is a scene that is rather difficult to forget. From the famous upside-down, half-off-mask kiss in Spiderman to kisses like the one at the end of Never Been Kissed, the best movie kisses out there are something to remember.

The Best Movie Kisses

Trying to find some of the better kisses out there can be difficult, but a list may help you narrow things down.


The famous Ghost love scene in the film features a kiss between a human and her departed ghost lover. The scene is passionate, emotional and downright sensual.

The Wedding Singer

In the film, the bride-to-be practices her wedding day kiss. While the film isn't passionate, the kiss is the type of comfortable kiss that many relationships aspire to.

Love Actually

Harboring a love for your best friend's wife can be difficult. When Mark shows up and indulges his feelings by telling her one night with a memorable flashcard montage, she kisses him. The kiss is well remembered for the innocent passion it brings. Viewers know it won't develop into a relationship but feel satisfied with the closure the kiss brings.


The scene in Spiderman features Mary Jane -- who doesn't know Spiderman is actually her next-door neighbor -- and Spiderman Peter Parker. While Parker is hanging upside down from his own webbing, Mary Jane pulls down his mask (but not enough to expose his identity) and gives him a passionate kiss.


When the lower class meets high class on the ship deck, Jack and his beloved passionately embrace.

Lady and the Tramp

In the popular animated Disney children's film, the couple is enjoying a forbidden Italian dinner. While slurping at a noodle, the two meet at the middle with their lips. Lady and the Tramp features one of the most famous cartoon kisses of all times!

It's A Wonderful Life

In the feature film, George Bailey is having a rough day. However, after seeing what the world would be like without him, Bailey goes home and gives his wife one of the most memorable kisses in movie history.

The Notebook

The kiss in the film is well remembered for the passionate, running in the rain emotion that it brings.

Save the Last Dance

When ballerina Sarah kisses her interracial love Derek, the kiss is remembered by fans and earned an MTV award for the honor.

Dirty Dancing

When the dance teacher passionately kisses his student in public, the kiss and the dance were turned into movie memories.

Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman features two memorable kisses. The first occurs when Vivian, a prostitute who has learned not to kiss her clients for fear of connecting to them, kisses Richard in bed one night. The second memorable kiss comes as Richard kisses Vivian on the fire escape -- overcoming both of their fears.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The first major kiss in the series occurs when Harry Potter himself kisses crush Cho Chang after several films of flirting.

Brokeback Mountain

Perhaps one of the most memorable kisses due to its content is the one in Brokeback Mountain featuring Jack and Ennis. The twist? The two characters are men in a mountain environment that doesn't condone anything of the sorts -- nor do the men's wives.

Never Been Kissed

Josie had already put herself out there in her article to her teacher crush. At the end of the film when the crush comes through with a great kiss, the film is remembered for a great ending and kiss.

A Final Thought

One of the reasons that movie kisses stay with moviegoers is that they love seeing that level of passion on the big screen. When stars come together and kiss on the big screen, viewers love to watch that connection as fans. They also enjoy seeing the characters they've fallen for together. Movie kisses bring out the best in everyone!

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Best Movie Kisses