Free Printable Movie Crossword

Movie Crossword

Movie crosswords are a great way for film buffs to test their knowledge of famous movies, actors, and film quotes. Test your expertise on the topic of movies with the free printable puzzle provided here, and check out the other online options once you have completed it!

Free Crossword Puzzle for Movie Buffs

To download and print a free crossword puzzle focused on movies, simply click the image below. When you do, the puzzle will open as a PDF document you can print right away or save for later use. If you need assistance getting the file to open, see these tips for working with printables.

free movie crossword
Click here for free printable movie crossword

Once you have finished the puzzle, use the printable answer key so you can check your answers (but don't peek too soon!).

More Printable Movie Crosswords

If you're a true crossword puzzle fan who also loves movies, one puzzle won't be enough! Fortunately, there are a number of additional movie-themed crossword puzzles available to print at no cost. Try these to get started:

  • If you're looking for a resource where you can find several free movie crosswords to print and work on, this is an ideal option. Choose from the 36 available movie crosswords, all of which are printable and come with an answer key.
  • This site also offers a variety of film-themed crossword puzzles - 15, to be exact. They are provided as PDF documents, so you can download to print for immediate use, or save to your computer to print later. Answer keys are provided with each download file.
  • There is only one movie theme puzzle here, but it's a good one! Each of the 30 answers is a one-word movie title. Use the "Printable Crossword" link to access a PDF file that you can print or save. A separate 'Answers' link is provided for when you are ready to verify your responses.
  • Roger Ebert's Movie Fans Crossword: Found at movie critic Roger Ebert's website, this crossword puzzle takes its answers from Ebert's annual Movie Yearbooks. Click the "Print Page" icon to print the puzzle. There is a link to the answer key beneath the questions.
  • Infoplease Disaster Movies Crossword: If your movie genre of choice is the disaster movie then this free movie crossword puzzle is for you. To print it, look for the small "print" link at the bottom of the page or press Ctrl+P on your keyboard. Click the 'Solution' button at the bottom of the page to check your answers.
  • MI Stupid All Day Film Festival Crossword: This 65-clue crossword puzzle is based around the "All-Day Film Festival." There is no quick print option for the puzzle but it is easily rendered by your browser's print option (Ctrl+P). There is no answer key available so you'll have to rely on your knowledge for the solutions.

Don't forget to bookmark the answer keys for the puzzles (where available), just in case you get stuck!

Sharing Printable Movie Crosswords

While crosswords can be used to pass the time in a crowded doctor's office, keep you entertained during a long commute, or just a fun way to spend a little down time, you can also print them out for all kinds of occasions. Use your film-focused puzzles in these ways:

  • Hand out crosswords to attendees at a Golden Globe or Oscar night party. Ask your guests to solve them individually or in teams, and offer movie-related prizes for the person or team that finishes first, with all answers correct. Don't forget to have an answer key on hand so you can check the completed puzzles quickly.
  • Gather your friends for an afternoon or evening of movies, and use the puzzles to pass the time between films. If you'll need to step away to fix snacks or call for a pizza, movie crossword puzzles can keep the rest of the group entertained in your absence.
  • Put together a small book of crossword puzzles for a friend who loves movies. These can be very welcome for folks who are ill, hospitalized, or recuperating at home, as they are a great way to pass the time.

Test Your Movie Knowledge

Crossword puzzles are a great way to test your trivia knowledge about all kinds of films past and present. Whether you're quickly printing off a puzzle to keep you entertained or planning to share them with friends, choose crosswords with a wide range of clues to truly challenge your movie memory.

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Free Printable Movie Crossword